Personal wheelchair budgets

Personal wheelchair budgets have been designed to provide wheelchair users with greater choice regarding their wheelchair provision through:

  • Providing holistic assessments that take into account people’s wider needs
  • Considering how wheelchair provision can increase independence and improve people’s health and wellbeing outcomes
  • Supporting people to identify their own health and wellbeing goals
  • Integrating services around individuals by bringing together care and support agencies
  • Increasing the availability of information about the choices available to people locally.

Further information on personal wheelchair budgets can be found on the website of the Kent and Medway Wheelchair Service provided by Ross Care.

All wheelchair users who have long-term postural and mobility needs will be eligible for an assessment for a personal wheelchair budget by the Wheelchair Service. During assessment you will be advised if you are eligible for the scheme. If you are under 18 or have a deteriorating medical condition and are likely to have frequent changes to your wheelchair requirements, it may not be appropriate. With NHS provision we can support your needs as your condition changes.

If you currently have a wheelchair provided by Kent and Medway Wheelchair Service, you can make a re-referral directly on 0330 124 4485.

If you do not currently have a wheelchair and would like to be assessed, a referral will need to be made to the Wheelchair Service, this can be done by either your GP or other health professionals who may be involved in your care e.g. occupational therapist.

During your assessment you will work in partnership with a clinician to identify your needs and the outcomes that you want to achieve from your wheelchair. You will then be prescribed an NHS wheelchair and be told the cost of this provision. This is your personal wheelchair budget (PWB). At this stage, you can accept the wheelchair prescribed free from the NHS. There are three types:   

  1. A Notional Personal Wheelchair Budget: This means you have a wheelchair provision provided by the NHS to meet your identified needs. The wheelchair remains the property of the NHS and will be supplied, delivered, repaired and maintained by the NHS at no charge to you.
  2. A Notional Plus Personal Wheelchair Budget (Alternative or Top Up): This allows you to choose to upgrade your wheelchair within the Wheelchair Service range or you may decide you would like additional features added to the NHS wheelchair prescribed by the Wheelchair Service. In this option, we would send you an invoice for the additional amount that you need to pay. The cost to you is the difference between the NHS prescribed wheelchair and the cost of the alternative wheelchair or top up features you have chosen. The NHS would still own the wheelchair and would be responsible for repairs and maintenance. However, we would be unable to repair or replace any additional features you have upgraded to such as hub brakes or seat risers.
  3. A Third Party Personal Wheelchair Budget: With this option you will be given an amount which is the same value as your NHS prescribed wheelchair together with a one off payment to cover repair and maintenance costs. It will then be your responsibility to order your own wheelchair via an approved supplier and organise repairs for it. The wheelchair you choose will have to meet your mobility and postural needs and be in the same category as the wheelchair prescribed for you e.g. manual, powered indoor, powered indoor/outdoor, etc. This wheelchair becomes your property and your responsibility. If the wheelchair is more expensive than the amount of your personal wheelchair budget you will have to meet the cost of this yourself or other organisations and/or charities may be able to help you with this.