Covid-19 vaccination

Page updated 20 August 2024

The autumn/winter 2024/25 flu and Covid-19 vaccination campaign will start on Thursday, 3 October 2024.

The government has accepted final advice from the JCVI regarding a Covid-19 and flu autumn/winter 2024/25 vaccination programme. 

The groups to be offered a Covid-19 and flu vaccine for autumn/winter 2024/25 are:
•    residents in a care home for older adults
•    all adults aged 65 years and over
•    people aged six months to 64 years in a clinical risk group 
•    frontline health and social care workers and staff working in care homes for older adults in autumn 2024.

Book your appointment on the National Booking System, or find a walk-in clinic on our map.

Flu vaccinations for pregnant women and all children’s flu cohorts will start from Sunday, 1 September 2024

Eligible groups are:
•    pregnant women
•    all children aged two or three years on 31 August 2024
•    primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6)
•    secondary school aged children (from Year 7 to Year 11)
•    all children in clinical risk groups aged from six months to less than 18 years.

Vaccine helpline

03000 810 007

Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm

Updated Monday, 1 July 2024.

It’s important local year-round provision of Covid-19 vaccination remains accessible for people who have a health condition or treatment that severely weakens their immune system (as defined in Chapter 14a, boxes 1 and 2 of the Green Book) and may need additional protection before the autumn.

This includes the following:

  • Anyone aged six months and over, as defined by the additional dosing criteria within box one and two of the Green Book (see link above).
  • Previously unvaccinated individuals who become or have recently become severely immunosuppressed should be considered for a first dose of vaccination, regardless of the time of year. Further doses should then be offered on the basis of specialist clinical judgement.
  • Vaccinated individuals who become or have recently become severely immunosuppressed should be considered for an additional dose of Covid-19 vaccine, regardless of their past vaccination history and the time of year. The additional dose of vaccine should be offered at a minimum interval of three months from any previous doses, to extend protection until the next seasonal campaign. 

Patients will need to contact their GP in the first instance, requesting a referral.

They can also email the Vaccination Team or phone the helpine listed at the top of the page.

The Covid-19 vaccine is still recommended for people with a history of allergic reactions provided those are not linked to ingredients within the vaccines.

We have a dedicated process for supporting people with severe allergies. 

This includes specialist allergy advice from Guys and St Thomas' Hospital to help local clinicians and their patients agree the best approach for them.

If you have a history of severe allergic reactions, especially anaphylactic shock, please contact your GP when you are eligible for the vaccine.

If appropriate they will be able to arrange a referral to a hospital-based service to receive the vaccine.

Please do this rather than booking a vaccine appointment directly through the national booking service.

Antibody and antiviral treatments are offered to people with Covid-19 who are at highest risk of becoming seriously ill.

People can use a positive lateral flow test (LFT) to be referred for treatment. It is important treatment starts within five days of a positive test.

Most people who have conditions that put them in the highest risk category will have been contacted directly with information about how to get these treatments, if needed.

Treatments for Covid-19 are for people aged 12 and over who:

  • are at highest risk of getting seriously ill from Covid-19
  • have symptoms of Covid-19 that started within the last five days
  • have tested positive for Covid-19 by PCR or LFT within the last five days.


If you think you're in the highest risk group and need to access Covid-19 treatment, follow these steps to be considered for a referral.

Keep rapid lateral flow tests at home. 

If you're eligible for Covid-19 treatment, you should keep rapid lateral flow tests at home.

You may be able to pick up free rapid lateral flow test kits from your local pharmacy if you're eligible for treatment.

The pharmacy may ask you questions about your medical history to confirm you’re eligible for free tests. If you have a copy of a letter or email sent to you by the NHS that says you’re eligible for Covid-19 treatment, take this with you. A letter or email is not essential, but it will help the pharmacy to confirm you’re eligible for free tests more easily.

Someone else can collect free tests on your behalf, for example, a friend, relative or carer. If you do not have a friend, relative or carer who can collect your tests for you, you may be able to book a volunteer responder by calling 0808 196 3646.

Anyone collecting free tests on your behalf needs to give the pharmacy your details, including your:

Full name
Date of birth
NHS number (if available)
Medical condition(s) to confirm your eligibility
They should also bring any copies of letters or emails that have been sent to you by the NHS about Covid-19 treatments.

Take a rapid lateral flow test if you get symptoms
If you have any symptoms of Covid-19, take a rapid lateral flow test as soon as possible, even if your symptoms are mild. Only take a test if you have symptoms.

You can also use tests you've paid for, for example, a test you've bought from a supermarket or pharmacy.

If your test is positive, phone your GP surgery, NHS 111 or hospital specialist
Phone your GP surgery, NHS 111 or hospital specialist as soon as possible if your test result is positive.

They'll decide if you need a referral for an assessment for Covid-19 treatment or may carry out the assessment themselves.

As part of the assessment, you may be asked what other medicines you take or receive, including any vitamins and minerals, so it's important to have a list of these ready.

If you're eligible for treatment, it's important to start the treatment as soon as you can. Treatments for Covid-19 need to be given quickly after your symptoms start to be effective.

If you’re prescribed capsules or tablets, the medicine can be collected on your behalf by someone else, such as a friend or relative. You’ll be advised where the medicine can be collected from. Alternatively, the NHS may be able to arrange for the medicine to be delivered to you.

If the treatment needs to be given as a drip in your arm (infusion), you'll usually get it at your local hospital or in a local health centre.

You'll get instructions on where to get the treatment and how to get there and back safely.

If your test is negative, do a total of three tests over three days
If your test result is negative, but you still have symptoms of Covid-19, you need to do a total of three rapid lateral flow tests over three days.

For example, if you did your first test today, you should do a second test tomorrow and a third test the day after.

If any test result is positive, you can stop testing and call your GP surgery, NHS 111 or hospital specialist as soon as possible.

Find out more about treatment for Covid-19 on

Find out more about treatments for Covid-19

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