Would you like to be a public member on the Kent, Medway and Sussex Data Access Committee?

6 March 2025

Would you like to be a full voting public member on the Kent, Medway and Sussex Data Access Committee?

Do you want to make sure the voices of people and communities across Kent, Medway and Sussex are at the heart of decisions being made about access to NHS data?

Are you passionate about ensuring decisions about data access are transparent, open and ethically sound, and made for the public benefit?

If yes, we want to work with you.

We are recruiting up to 10 public members to our Kent, Medway and Sussex Data Access Committee (KMS SAC) to make sure that the voices of people and communities across Kent, Medway and Sussex are at the heart of decisions being made about access to NHS data.

What are public members?

Public members are full members of the Data Access Committee, with equal decision-making as other committee members.

The purpose of the role is to:

  • bring voices from people and communities across Kent, Medway and Sussex to inform decision making on data access requests
  • approve or reject data access requests
  • help ensure decisions are transparent, open and ethically sound, and made for the public benefit.

We welcome applications from residents in Kent, Medway and Sussex who are aged over 18 years.

Public members will receive expenses; and, in certain circumstances, recognition payments are offered. Full training and support will also be offered.

Kent, Medway and Sussex Data Access Committee

The Kent, Medway and Sussex Data Access Committee decides who can access de-personalised NHS data for research in Kent, Medway and Sussex.

The Data Access Committee reviews and assess data access requests to ensure applications are ethically and scientifically appropriate, and either approving or rejecting them.

Membership includes representatives from the public, data privacy officers, data controllers, and research and ethics specialists including:

  • Caldicott Guardian (Kent or Sussex-based)
  • Data Protection Officer (Kent or Sussex-based)
  • Kent Surrey Sussex Clinical Research Network representative – acute
  • Kent Surrey Sussex Clinical Research Network representative – local authority
  • Kent Surrey Sussex Clinical Research Network representative – GP
  • Kent Surrey Sussex Clinical Research Network representative – community/mental health
  • Public representatives x 2 (Kent and Medway)
  • Public representatives x 2 (Sussex)
  • Sussex Integrated Dataset Capability Board representative
  • Shared Health and Care Analytics Board (SHcAB) Steering Group representative
  • Kent, Medway and Sussex Secure Data Environment Research Advisory Group representative
  • Kent, Medway and Sussex Secure Data Environment Programme Team representative.

The Data Access Committee will be considered quorate provided:

  • there must be two public members from Kent, and Medway, and two public members from Sussex at each meeting
  • there is representation from the roles outlined above.

Why has the Kent, Medway and Sussex Data Access Committee been established?

The Kent, Medway and Sussex Data Access Committee has been established to decide who has access to the data within the Kent, Medway and Sussex Secure Data Environment (SDE).

The Kent, Medway and Sussex Secure Data Environment is a digital platform that allows approved researchers to securely access de-personalised data, which is where data about an individual cannot be identified, for research that benefits the public. This data could be used to:

  • improve health and care services,
  • develop new treatments and,
  • plan the future of health and care provision.

The Kent, Medway and Sussex SDE has been built in partnership with NHS organisations across Kent, Medway and Sussex, and provides a trusted safe environment to meet the needs of the communities it serves.

The Kent, Medway and Sussex SDE is one of 11 others being funded by the NHS across England.

Data Access Committee conflicts of interest

People currently employed in occupations or roles that could create or appear to create conflicts of interest or otherwise reduce trust in the independence of the KMS DAC will be unable to become public members on the DAC.

Public members on the KMS DAC are also unable to be members on the Kent, Medway and Sussex Secure Data Environment Public and Patient Advisory Group, Sussex Digital and Data People’s Panel and Kent and Medway Digital and Data Involvement Group to ensure independence in decision making. 

Further information about conflicts of interest can be found in the Data Access Committee Public Member Volunteer Profile link below.

Application, and further information

We would love to tell you more about this opportunity. If you are interested, please complete an application form (linked below) and we will be in touch within 5 working days. 

You can also attend one of our online drop-in sessions to learn more about the role:

  • Tuesday, 11 March 7.30pm to 8pm, on Microsoft Teams
  • Wednesday, 12 March 12pm to 12.30pm, on Microsoft Teams
  • Wednesday, 12 March 6pm to 6.30pm, on Microsoft Teams
  • Tuesday, 25 March 7.30pm to 8pm, on Microsoft Teams

Please email scwcsu.kmssde@nhs.net if you are interested in attending one of the drop-in sessions.

If you need help with accessing or filling out the application, or you would like an informal chat, please do contact the Project Lead (Isabel Clark) at scwcsu.kmssde@nhs.net

For further information, please review the:

Please return an application form by Wednesday, 4 April using the contact details below:

Website: https://www.sussex.ics.nhs.uk/

Telephone: 0300 140 9854

Email: scwcsu.kmssde@nhs.net

Write to:
NHS Kent, Medway and Sussex Secure Data Environment – Communications Team, Omega House (Head office): 112 Southampton Road
SO50 5PB

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