A service of thanksgiving for NHS 75

4 July 2023

More than 250 people attended an NHS75 celebration and thanksgiving service at Rochester Cathedral on Monday, 3 July.

The service was opened by NHS Kent and Medway Chair Cedi Frederick, who said: “The success of the NHS is thanks to the skill, dedication and compassion of its staff and volunteers who go above and beyond every day.

“We also owe a thank you to our partners from councils, the charity sector, voluntary organisations, unpaid carers and our communities who support our work and patients.

"The NHS birthday on Wednesday, 5 July, is our chance to say thank you to a great British institution and to those individuals who have looked after the nation’s health for 75 years.”

As part of the multi-faith service, representatives from the Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Jewish faiths were invited to say a prayer.

Rochester Cathedral faith group shot.png

Pictured from right: NHS Kent and Medway Chair Cedi Frederick, The Rev’d Belinda Beckhelling, The Rev’d Ruth Bierbaum – Lead Chaplain at Medway Maritime Hospital – Rt Revd. Christopher Lowson, Ejaz Aslam, Balwinder Singh, Dr.Jyoti prakash Dubey, The Rev’d Canon Sue Brewer, The Rev’d Canon Dr Gordon Giles and Dean of Rochester The Very Rev'd Dr Philip Hesketh.

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