Enhanced health in care homes

Ageing Well

The Ageing Well programme has the responsibility of Enhanced Health Care in Care Homes model.

What is Enhanced Health in Care Homes? (EHCH)

People living in care homes should expect the same support as if they were living independently.

The Enhanced Health in Care Homes model takes a more proactive approach to care delivery and is centred on the needs of the residents, their families and the care home staff.

EHCH requires collaborative working between health, social care, voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

The EHCH model helps ensure that:

  • People living in care homes have access to enhanced primary care and to specialist services and maintain their independence as far as possible by reducing, delaying or preventing the need for additional health and social care services;
  • Staff working in care homes feel at the heart of an integrated team that spans primary, community, mental health and specialist care, as well as social care services and the voluntary sector;
  • Budgets and incentives are aligned so that all parts of the system work together to improve people’s health and wellbeing;
  • Health and social care services are commissioned in a coordinated manner, and the role of the social care provider market is properly understood by commissioners and providers across health and social care.

To find out more about EHCH please visit NHS England » Enhanced health in care homes

The Ageing Well programme wanted to find out people’s experience of the EHCH.  The aim of this project was to find out how care homes, PCN staff, residents and family/unpaid carers have experienced the implementation of the “Enhanced Health in Care Homes” model.

Over a period of six months, Healthwatch have carried out a programme of engagement with the following people:

  • Interviews with care home managers
  • Interviews with PCN staff
  • Focus group with residents
  • Focus group with families


A total of fifteen care homes were visited across Kent and Medway. The report summarising feedback and experiences is going for approval over the coming weeks. It will be used to inform the next stages of the programme.

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