Comments, compliments and complaints

Tell us about your experience

If you have received a particularly good service from any health service provider, or you have any comments or suggestions to make, please let us know.


Positive feedback is welcomed and helps us to understand what is important for you as a patient, carer or relative. Your feedback is valuable, and we are grateful for you taking the time. Please send any compliments to


NHS Kent and Medway is committed to responding to patient needs and encouraging a culture that seeks and uses people’s experiences of care to improve the commissioning of services.

We welcome your suggestions and feedback about both the services we commission and those we provide. We want to resolve any problems you may experience to help make local healthcare services more effective.

Our promise – What you can expect from us

We care – We will treat you with compassion.

We will act – Ensuring your feedback gets to the right place.

We will keep you updated – We will confirm how your complaint will be taken forward and advise any delays.

We will reflect – Striving to improve your experience and our process, through feedback, improvements, and innovation.

We are in the process of reviewing our current complaints policy, which is available at NHS Kent and Medway Complaints Handling Policy. We welcome your feedback and would like to know what you would expect from a complaints process and how we can improve by emailing

If you would like any of this information in a different format, please let us know. You can also read our accessibility statement.

A formal complaint about any aspect of care is best made direct to the provider of that care. If you have any concerns about the service that you have received from a healthcare provider (such as at a GP practice or hospital) you can raise your concerns directly with the provider.

Contact details for our main providers are given below. Please visit their websites to find out more about their complaint’s procedures.

For concerns or complaints regarding:

  • conduct of NHS Kent and Medway staff.
  • services NHS Kent and Medway provides (e.g. continuing healthcare, medicines management and individual funding requests).
  • services commissioned (arranged and contracted) by NHS Kent and Medway.

If you are unsure what to do or who to contact, please get in touch with the Patient Experience Team at NHS Kent and Medway, who will be able to guide you, using the details below:

Email:           ​​​​​

Phone:            01634 335095 - Option 7 (Office Hours are between 8am – 4pm)

Post:                NHS Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board

Patient Experience Team

2nd Floor

Gail House

Lower Stone Street


Kent ME15 6NB

In your correspondence, please could you ensure you have included your:

  • full name
  • postal address, email address and daytime telephone number
  • the patient’s full name, date of birth and NHS number (if known), if you are complaining on behalf of someone else
  • the patient’s consent for you to act on their behalf if you are making the complaint  for them
  • the patient’s GP practice.

Please include as much detail in your complaint as possible, such as names of staff, locations, dates, and times of events, if you are able to. If you have specific questions you want answers to, it is helpful for you to list them.

Telling us what outcome you are seeking will help us resolve your concerns to your satisfaction, wherever possible.

We also ask you confirm you are happy for us to forward your concerns to the service that you are complaining about (if appropriate).

Please make your complaint as soon as possible, while memories are still fresh. You should normally complain within 12 months of the event(s) concerned or within 12 months of becoming aware that you have something to complain about. NHS organisations have discretion to waive this time limit if there are good reasons why you could not complain earlier, and an effective investigation can still be undertaken.

We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days. We will advise on how your complaint is going to be investigated. This process may involve:

  • Corresponding, speaking or meeting with you, where appropriate, to gain your personal view of the issues you have raised.
  • Sharing your details with an outside organisation, such as other NHS providers of care or relevant organisations, with your permission. We will respect your right to confidentiality and treat any information you provide in strict confidence, handling this information in a safe and secure manner. However, there may be times when we need to share information without your consent, for example, to protect children and vulnerable adults.
  • Using your information for investigation of your complaint. In order for NHS Kent and Medway to make improvements to the services you receive, anonymous information about your complaint may be shared as part of our reporting process. If identifiable data is needed for other purposes, then your consent will be sought.
  • NHS Complaints Standards require complaint investigations to be completed within six months and NHS Kent and Medway will respond within 30-40 working days when possible. We will let you know if there is going to be a delay and explain the reasons why, wherever possible.
  • Once the investigation has been completed, you will receive our response, including any improvements that have been, or will be made, as a result of your complaint.
  • If you are unhappy with the response to your complaint, you should contact the PALs and Complaints Team to see if NHS Kent and Medway can look into the case further, unless the response advises that local resolution of your complaint is concluded.
  • You can withdraw your complaint at any stage of the process.
  • Please be assured that your future care and treatment will not be negatively affected in any way because you have made your concerns known to us.

Complaints about primary care (GP, dental, pharmacy and optometry services) within Kent and Medway are best made direct to the practice, as they hold your medical records and employ the staff directly.

Alternatively, if you do not want to contact the practice directly, your complaint can be made to the South East Complaints Hub, via the contact details below:


Phone: 0300 561 0290

Post: South East Complaints Hub

NHS Frimley ICB
King Edward VII Hospital
St Leonard’s Road

If your complaint relates to hospital care, you will need to contact the hospital directly. All local hospitals have their own complaints procedures and, in most cases, a Patient Advice and Liaison Service.

They can help you with any problems that have arisen and can help with any complaints relating to their services.

Details of hospital trusts most commonly attended by patients in Kent and Medway, and their contact details, are provided below.

Website: East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (


Phone: 01227 783145 or 01227 864314

Post: East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

Patient Experience Team

Kent and Canterbury Hospital
Ethelbert Road



Website: Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Email: or

Phone: 01622 226406

Post: Complaints Office

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Maidstone Hospital

Hermitage Lane



ME16 9QQ

Website:  Medway Foundation Trust


Phone: 01634 825216


Complaints Department

Medway Maritime Hospital

Windmill Road




Website: Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust

Email: or

Phone: 01322 428382 or 01322 428436


Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust

Darent Valley Hospital

Darenth Wood Road




South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb)

Website: South East Coast Ambulance Service


Phone: 0300 1239 242


Patient Experience Team

South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Nexus House

4 Gatwick Road


RH10 9BG

South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb)

Website: SECAMB


Phone: 0300 1239 242


Patient Experience Team

South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Nexus House

4 Gatwick Road

Crawley RH10 9BG


Website: G4S Patient Transport Service


Phone: 0800 096 0211 


G4S Patient Transport Services
Unit 69 and 87

Waterhouse Business Park
2 Cromar Way


Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) (Adult Mental Health Services)

Website: Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust


Phone: Medway and west Kent - 0800 587 6757 or east Kent - 0800 783 9972


Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

Complaints Department

Eastern and Coastal Area

Littlebourne Road




Website: NELFT NHS Foundation Trust


Phone: 0300 300 1711


North East London NHS Foundation Trust

PALs and Liaison Service

The West Wing
CEME Centre
Marsh Way
RM13 8GQ

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT)

(Community nursing and therapy services in Kent)

Website: NHS | Kent Community Health

Email: or

Phone:   0800 030 4550


Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

Patient Advice and Liaison Service

Trinity House

110-120 Upper Pemberton



TN25 4AZ

Community nursing and therapy services in Medway.

Website: Medway Community Healthcare


Phone: 0300 123 3444


Customer Care Team

MCH House

Bailey Drive




For information and comments about services commissioned directly by NHS England, please visit the NHS England Website.

Whilst not exhaustive, the following is a list of services that NHS England central complaints team cover. 

  • specialised commissioning 
  • health and justice – for health services for people in prisons and other custodial settings
  • armed forces health 
  • section 7a (public health immunisations and vaccinations) 
  • PCSE 
  • Services delivered nationally by NHSE to patients/public (such as screening call and recall, NHS App etc). 

Complaints advocacy

Making a complaint is not always easy to do. If you need independent advice or support, you can contact the Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service.  In Kent and Medway, this is The Advocacy People.

The Advocacy People are a free complaints advocacy service available for you to use. The Advocacy People can represent your views when you are making a complaint about the NHS. They can help you write your complaint letter or write it on your behalf. They can accompany you to any meetings to discuss your complaint and provide support or provide an interpreter. The Advocacy People can help if you have difficulties with reading or writing.

The Advocacy People can be contacted via:

Website: The Advocacy People


Phone: 0330 440 9000


The Advocacy People

PO Box 375


East Sussex

TN34 9HU

Healthwatch has been set up to give people a powerful voice locally and nationally. At a local level, Healthwatch is there to help people who live in the county get the best out of their local health and social care services, whether it is improving them today or helping to shape them for tomorrow. The contact details for Healthwatch within Kent and Medway are:

Website: Healthwatch Kent


Phone: Freephone 0808 801 0102 between the hours of 10am and 4pm Monday to Wednesday and Friday. They are closed Thursdays, weekends and bank holidays.



Seabrooke House

Church Rd



TN23 1RD

(please note that Freepost can take up to 10 days to arrive with them)

You have the right to refer your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). The ombudsman is independent of the NHS, and will decide if they are able to investigate your complaint.

The ombudsman will normally only take on a complaint after you have first tried to resolve the complaint with the organisation involved and have received a response from them.

You can contact the PHSO using the following methods:

Website: Parliamentary Ombudsman


Phone: 0345 015 4033 – open 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday  (charged at a local rate)

Textphone (Minicom): 0300 061 4298

Call back service: 07624 813 005

Post: The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Mosley Street

M2 3HQ


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