Gender pay gap report 2021

Gender pay gap reporting is now a legal requirement for all large organisations. The results can be used to assess the levels of gender equality in our organisation.

The information below is the Gender Pay Gap Report for Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group. The CCG was closed on 30 June 2022 and replaced by the NHS Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board. Staff from the CCG transferred into NHS Kent and Medway. 

Reports for NHS Kent and Medway will be published here in due course.

2021 Gender Pay Gap - KMCCG

It is important to note that the gender pay gap differs from equal pay for equal work.

The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average hourly rates of pay for men and women right across the organisation.

The median pay gap for KMCCG was 15.8 per cent, which means that the median hourly rate of pay for women in KMCCG was 15.8 per cent lower than the median hourly rate of pay for men.


Gender pay gap median hourly rate




(per cent)

Average gender (ordinary) pay gap as a mean average (in terms of hourly pay) 5.45 19.4
Average gender (ordinary) pay gap as a median average (in terms of hourly pay) 3.91 15.8
Average bonus gender pay gap There were no bonus payments There were no bonus payments


The proportion of males and females in the lower, lower middle, upper middle and upper quartile pay bands (by number of employees rather than rate of pay).

Proportion of males and females in lower and upper pay quartiles
Quartile Female (per cent) Male (per cent)
Lower 19.8 3.2
Lower middle 21.7 5.1
Upper middle 17.6 3.4
Upper 18.7 10.4
Overall     77.9 22.1


What contributes to it?

  • The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average hourly rate of pay for men and women.
  • There are a higher proportion of male colleagues represented in the upper quartile of the organisation in comparison with the overall total.
  • There are a lower proportion of male colleagues represented in the lower quartile of the organisation in comparison with the overall total.

I confirm that the gender pay gap information provided in this report is accurate.

Rebecca Bradd
Executive Director of People and Organisational Development

30 March 2022


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